第五十四期人口學刊2017.6 出刊


本期共刊登五篇文章,其中四篇為研究論文,一篇為學術活動紀實。第一篇〈日治時期臺灣女性婚育生命史序列分析〉,作者為中央研究院社會學研究所楊文山研究員、李怡芳研究助理,以及中央研 究院人文社會科學研究中心地理資訊科學研究專題中心歷史人口研究 計畫黃郁麟研究助理。本篇論文將研究時空範圍拉回至日治時期臺灣 新竹地區,將婚姻視為一種多元且離散的生命歷程,並建構女性的生 命序列模式,來探討女性的婚育行為。他們的研究發現多數女性符合 傳統華人早婚生子的期待,而婚育行為又可分為五種類型,包括傳統 型、守寡型、早逝型、再婚型,以及未/晚婚型。此篇論文提供讀者 一個工業化前臺灣女性婚育行為與生命經驗的分析視角,對於日後在 建構當代臺灣女性婚育行為有深刻的歷史意涵。

第二篇研究論文〈父系家庭傳承制度下的收養形式與決策模 式〉,作者為國立臺灣大學生物產業傳播暨發展學系陳奕潔研究助理與 陳玉華副教授。本篇論文藉由訪談十個收養家庭,描繪出當今臺灣無子 嗣家庭在父系傳承體制之下的子女收養形式。他們發現親屬間過繼子女 仍為主要的形式,也就是即便臺灣已走向兩性平權的夫妻軸型態,父系 傳承制度的運作仍影響著子代收養行為。然而,隨著臺灣生育率的下 降,親屬間可供過繼的子女數量將嚴重不足,加以女性地位的提升,未 來家庭的收養過程與決策,將可能以無血緣的收養形式展現。

第三篇研究論文〈性別角色態度對臺灣老人居住安排的影響〉, 作者為長榮大學土地管理與開發學系張慈佳副教授。作者以2011年「台 灣社會變遷基本調查」中60歲以上的受訪者,分析臺灣高齡者的居住 安排以及性別差異。結果支持kin-keeping假說,臺灣高齡者的居住安排 有明顯的性別差異。具傳統觀念的高齡女性與擁屋子女同住的機率較 高。此一研究可提供政府制定老人照顧相關政策的參考,但政府仍應注 . ii . 人口學刊第五十四期 意經濟相對弱勢的高齡女性,以及人力資本條件較差的無偶男性,在居 住安排上的需求。

第四篇研究論文〈社會資本及幸福感相關性之跨國與跨年齡層比 較〉,作者為國立成功大學醫學院老年學研究所王友惠研究生與翁慧 卿教授。本篇論文使用跨國資料庫研究社會資本與幸福感的關係,涵 蓋30個國家共49,504個人樣本。他們指出多數國家,老年人幸福感相 較於其他年齡層,都是最低的。而國家的社會資本與老年人幸福感有 正向關聯。人民的幸福感不僅只受經濟因素影響,國家更可透過提升 社會資本的效益,使人民的幸福感增加。

除了上述的研究論文,本期也刊載2017年臺灣老人學學會年會 暨學術研討會〈「高齡社會下的政策新挑戰、服務新需求與研究新課 題」學術活動紀實〉。作者為《人口學刊》吳孟蓉編輯助理與國立臺 灣大學人口與性別研究中心余玥貞幹事。本次年會特別邀請行政院林 政務委員萬億,以及衛生福利部呂政務次長寶靜,分別以「老人學的 發展與實踐」與「我國長期照顧制度的發展與願景」為題發表演講。 除此之外,此次年會涵蓋主題甚廣,包含高齡就業、老年福祉比較研 究、長照與相關方案、老人服務設計、照顧與相關政策、老人學習與 服務、退休與年金、長照與機構、老人身心健康、老人服務品質、老 人學習與健康、老人健康照顧等,總計有46篇學術論文於會中發表, 數百位學者專家與學生與會,於本次的研討會中,針對老人學的各項 議題均有深刻且熱烈的討論。

本期刊登的四篇研究論文,討論議題包含女性婚育生命史、家庭 收養模式、老人居住安排,社會資本與幸福感,涵蓋許多臺灣當前面 對的重要人口問題。另外,學術活動紀實也摘錄了「年金改革與長期 照顧制度」討論中的重要議題。整體而言,本期刊登的文章不僅在人 口議題上,提供了嶄新的研究視角,也具有相當程度的政策意涵及貢 獻。人口學刊做為人口學領域深具代表性的學術刊物,期盼本刊能成 為學術、政策與公共對話的重要平臺。


DOI : 10.6191/JPS.2017.54.01


日治時期 ; 婚姻型態 ; 生命歷程 ; 序列分析 ; Japanese colonial period ; marriage type ; life course ; sequence analysis
過去百年來臺灣的婚姻生活模式產生重大改變,婚姻型態的變遷 不僅重塑夫妻性別角色的關係,伴隨近代教育、職業、家庭與法律等 制度的變革,亦改變不同性別尤其是女性的生涯發展。本文嘗試引入 生命歷程的觀點,將婚姻視為一種多元且離散的連續過程,透過建構 不同女性的生命序列模式,探討女性婚育行為的生命歷程。本文使用 生命史序列分析技術,分析日治時期臺灣新竹地區戶籍資料,研究結 果顯示,日治時期新竹地區超過85%女性的婚育行為模式大抵符合傳 統華人文化的想像與期待,早婚生子,並且可區分為五種類型:第一 類「傳統型」占全體分析樣本的71.48%,特徵為早婚多育;第二類 「守寡型」占全體分析樣本的14.12%,特徵為晚婚喪偶;第三類「早 逝型」占全體分析樣本的4.08%,特徵為早逝少育;第四類「再婚 型」占全體分析樣本的5.91%,特徵為再婚多育;第五類「未/晚婚 型」占全體分析樣本的4.40%,是特徵為未婚或晚婚少育。
Marriage type in Taiwan has dramatically changed in the past centuries. Along with the reforms of education, employment, family and legislation, the changing marriage type not only remodeled the sex role of spouses but also altered female life planning. This article applies the concept of life course, and regards marriage as a sequence of discrete transitions. We aim to uncover marriage and birth trajectories of Taiwanese females in the Hsinchu area during the Japanese colonial period through constructing the female life history processes. In order to describe the single-to-marriageto- birth transitions, we use optimal matching algorithm and cluster analysis methods to analyze Japanese household registries in the Hsinchu area. The analysis reveals that over eight in ten Taiwanese females aged 15 to 40 in the Hsinchu area got married and started on birth considerably early in their life trajectories; and these could be divided into a five-cluster typology,including the Typical type (71 percent), Widowed type (14 percent), Early death type (4 percent), Remarriage type (6 percent) and Single/Late marriage type (4 percent).

DOI : 10.6191/JPS.2017.54.02


收養 ; 過繼 ; 父權體制 ; 代間傳承 ; adoption ; relative adoption ; patriarchy ; intergenerational transmission
Adoption is a viable and alternate form of family formation, if a couple cannot conceive and give birth to a child. While the Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and Rights Act has been enforced and the legal adoption matching services are available in Taiwan, the data compiled from a report on the registration of adoptive children indicate that adoption of relatives is still preferred and practiced through kinship networks. Using in-depth interviewing data collected from ten families, we analyze how childless families made adoption decisions under the norm of patrilineality within the Chinese family system. The results indicate a strong link between preferred adoption patterns and the family structure. Within stem and extended families, elderly parents not only have the final say on adoption decision but also show a strong preference for the pattern of relative adoption. While a wife has more bargaining power in the conjugal relationship, it is hard to exclude intervention from parents on both sides if her spouse is the oldest son or only child. Concerning the sociocultural importance assigned to children and the patriarchal root of the institution of relative adoption, the significance of conjugal relationship has continuously been downplayed in the Chinese family context. However, there is a shortage of babies because of the decline of fertility in the past few decades. It is also worth mentioning that the presence and status of women in paid employment has improved dramatically, which in turn enhances their decision-making power. Undoubtedly, the pattern of non-relative adoption should become prevalent among childless couples and families eventually.

DOI : 10.6191/JPS.2017.54.03


性別差異 ; 老人居住安排 ; 父系文化規範 ; 性別角色態度 ; gender differences ; elderly living arrangements ; patriarchal norms ; gender role attitudes
Gender differences in living arrangements of the elderly have received little attention in the literature. This study examines gender differences in living arrangements of the elderly, by taking gender role attitudes and patriarchal social norms into account, to illustrate the differences not only in propensities of coresidence with children among men and women, but also among those women with various gender role attitudes. Firstly, the result of a multinomial logit model shows that the elderly who tend to live with their homeowner children are females without a spouse, older, and healthier, and those with lower educational attainment. Meanwhile, the homeowning elderly who are Mainlanders, younger, and with a spouse have higher chances of living with their unmarried children than of living without children. This indicates gender differences exist among the elderly in terms of living arrangements in Taiwan. Secondly, adding gender role attitude variables to the model would improve the goodness of fit in terms of specifications of the model, and change the relationship between educational attainment and living arrangements among women. As there are significant associations between gender role attitude variables and elderly living arrangements among women, I suggest that the changing gender role attitudes of Taiwan's women should be taken into account when we assess the applicability of the kin-keeping hypothesis in Taiwan. The results of this study also suggest emerging needs for social support among the elderly who are widowed and economically disadvantaged.

DOI : 10.6191/JPS.2017.54.04


幸福感 ; 社會資本 ; 跨國比較 ; 跨年齡層比較 ; 老年人 ; happiness ; social capital ; cross-country comparisons ; the elderly
本研究以跨國資料探討在不同年齡層中社會資本對幸福感的影響,並使用跨層次交互作用分析影響幸福感之相關因素。本研究使用三個資料庫。樣本來自國際社會調查,包含30個國家及49,504個人樣本。本研究將樣本分為三個年齡層,年輕(20-34歲)、中年(35-64歲)和老年(65歲以上)。個人層次變項取自國際社會調查,國家層次變項取自世界銀行資料庫與全球繁榮指數。使用階層線性模型(Hierarchical Linear Modeling)分析30個國家之個人層次和國家層次變項對不同年齡層幸福感的影響。本研究結果顯示(一)30個國家中,有25個國家在三個年齡層幸福感呈現顯著差異。其中有20個國家老年人幸福感是三個年齡層中最低的。(二)透過階層線性模型,顯示老年人幸福感的差異有14%的變異受到國家因素影響,是三個年齡層中影響最大的。(三)國家層次變項中,發現社會資本對老年人幸福感有顯著正向影響。(四)對老年族群而言,居住都市化程度與社會資本之交互作用達顯著,表示社會資本愈高的國家,會弱化居住都市化對幸福感的影響力。
Happiness of the people is an important index of social development. This study focuses on the correlation between social capital and happiness and the comparison of international data. Three data sources are used. Samples are taken from the International Social Survey (ISSP) across 30 countries, providing a total of 49,504 people who are divided into three age groups: the young (20-34 years old), the middle-aged (35-64 years old), and the elderly (over 65 years old). This study uses hierarchical linear modeling to measure the cross-level effects of happiness from different age groups (young, middle-aged, and elderly) in 30 countries. The results find (1) of the 30 countries, there is a significant difference in the happiness level of the three age groups in 25 of these countries. The score of the elderly's happiness is shown to be the lowest out of the three age groups in 20 of the countries. (2) The elderly's happiness is affected the most by country factors, about 14% in the three age groups. (3) National level factors have significant positive effects on the elderly's happiness. (4) Social capital acts as a buffer against the adverse effects of urbanization and educational degree on the mental well-being of the elderly.


No abstract available.