第四十六期人口學刊2013.06 出刊


本期《人口學刊》特別規劃了「海外臺灣移民」(Taiwanese Migrants)專題,提供關於學界有關國際遷移的更多想像、研究成果與對話。在研究論文方面,共收錄四篇涵蓋人口遷移、性別結構、社會文化與空間認同的跨領域研究論文,不僅有過往歷史的回溯與研究,也包含新穎的研究主題與研究對象,在研究成果上也有前瞻性的斬獲,期許讀者能夠透過本期專題,不僅鑑古知今,也得以共同思考國際遷移在知識與實務上的意義。






我在此特別感謝國立中正大學的林平副教授與臺北市立教育大學的徐榮崇教授,本期「海外臺灣移民」(Taiwanese Migrants)專題是由他們兩位所發想與規劃的。他們從2011年底開始籌備這個專題,隨後在2012年3月5日於中央研究院近代史研究所舉辦人口外移工作坊,本期專題所刊登的四篇文章都在這場工作坊中發表討論過。我在此也要感謝當日參與工作坊的幾位學術界同仁及研究生,特別是國立臺灣師範大學歷史學系的王秀惠教授。我們知道國際性的地理及人口學旗艦學刊,像是Annals of the Association of American Geographers及International Journal of Population Research皆曾經出版具有影響力的專刊。因此,本期專題是要展現臺灣學者在這個全球重要議題的研究工作成果,特別是臺灣的移出及移入人口都在逐年增加中。


其次,本期專題也收錄了四篇有關「國際遷移」專書的書評,這四本書籍是Janet W. Salaff等人所合著的Hong Kong Movers and Stayers: Narratives of Family Migration、Manying Ip 主編的Transmigration and the New Chinese: Theories and Practices from the New Zealand Experience、Nan M. Sussman的Return Migration and Identity: A Global Phenomenon, A Hong Kong Case,以及Lok C. D. Siu的Memories of a Future Home: Diasporic Citizenship of Chinese in Panama。這些在全球不同地區發生的遷移現象,由不同學者作深入淺出的分析評閱,有助於讀者更進一步地閱讀全書。



DOI : 10.6191/jps.2013.1


移民 ; 青少年 ; 認同 ; 臺灣 ; 中國大陸 ; Migration ; adolescent ; identity ; Taiwan ; Mainland China
Most research on the identity of immigrant adolescents concentrates on the 1.5- and second-generation minorities. Because they are living and educated in the host country, their identity with the home country is limited. This paper focuses on a special group of adolescents. Although they have moved abroad, they do not study at schools provided for the local students. These adolescents enter schools which follow the curriculum of their home country. By analyzing their experiences at these schools and life after they graduate, we may know how this type of ”overseas education” affects the identity formation of these adolescents.The data of this paper is based on the author’s participant observation in two Taiwanese Schools (Dongguan and Huadong) in Mainland China in 2004-2005, and informal interviews with graduates in 2008-2012. All of the respondents clearly claimed their Taiwanese identity while they were students. However, this Taiwanese identity was based not on respondents’ experiences in Taiwan but on their life at these two schools, which functioned as ”surrogates” of Taiwan. Because this Taiwanese identity was not built upon real experiences in Taiwan, they felt alienated as outsiders when they returned to and associated with people in Taiwan. After moving back and forth across the Strait for several years, they developed a new sense of Taiwanese identity. Although these graduates still identified themselves as Taiwanese, they gradually came to perceive the Taiwanese community in Mainland China as the core, surrounded by Taiwan and Mainland China as the periphery, of this target of identity. In this multi-layer form of Taiwanese identity, these graduates gradually came to regard the Taiwanese communities overseas, rather than Taiwan or Mainland China, to build up their memories of a future home.

DOI : 10.6191/jps.2013.2


華僑 ; 移民 ; 冷戰 ; 性別研究 ; overseas Chinese ; migration ; cold war ; gender studies
Quemoy (Kinmen) is an island close to Quanzhou (Zaitun) and Xiamen (Amoy) port. A large of number of its residents immigrated to Southeast Asia as well as Nagasaki and Kobe in Japan in search of a living after the 1860s. After they eventually accumulated wealth, these transnational overseas Chinese brought their capital back to Quemoy to participate in family, clan or public affairs. In addition, the gender proportion of the population of Quemoy became unbalanced, so women played a major role in local society. After 1949, Quemoy became a battlefront between the KMT and the CCP, as well as the frontline in the confrontation between Cold War blocs. Under military administration, the power of traditional lineages was suppressed and their connections with their fellow countrymen living abroad were severed. For forty-three long years, until 1992, Quemoy was transformed from an open hometown of overseas Chinese into a closed battlefield and forbidden zone.This paper tries to discuss the relationship between social-cultural change and population flow in the modern history of Quemoy. First, I will analyze the historical situation in the society there, including emigration of its young men, the rise of an overseas merchant-gentry class, economics of remittance and its cultural landscape, women's life histories etc. Secondly, I deal with the social reality of Quemoy as a battlefield, including immigration of soldiers, the impact of military governance, the influence of soldiers' consumption, and the social crisis due to the gender imbalance and the military authority's response. Finally, I will generalize from two different social-cultural changes for population flow and gender politics in modern Quemoy.

DOI : 10.6191/jps.2013.3


臺灣人 ; 巴西 ; 聖保羅 ; 移民 ; 南美洲 ; Taiwan ; Taiwanese ; Brazil ; São Paulo ; immigrant
This paper focuses on the attitude of Taiwan's government toward the immigration of Taiwanese people to Brazil and their reactions. In the 1950's, the Brazil government arranged with the Taiwan government for Taiwanese people to immigrate to Brazil to promote the development of agriculture, but after several years, the government of Taiwan halted this out of fear that young Taiwanese immigrants would not return, and would thus not be available to help fight against military attacks from mainland China. However, in order to look for better living conditions, in the 1960s a number of Taiwanese families emigrated to Brazil, arriving by ship or by airplane at the port city in São Paulo. Also, many Taiwanese entered Brazil via Panama and Paraguay illegally, later obtaining legal resident status.Early Taiwanese immigrants were mainly farmers. Later groups of retired military veterans and small merchants either farmed or started small commercial activities. During the following years, most immigrants abandoned their agricultural activities and established stores specializing in Taiwan's products or Chinese restaurants, and stayed in the city of São Paulo. Taiwanese immigrants endeavored to make a better living in Brazil. Many devoted themselves to the handbag business, as it required only a small amount of start-up money. In order to do business with customers and to sell their goods, Taiwanese immigrants also worked hard to overcome the language barrier. In fact, the story of Taiwanese migration to Brazil has been a major part of the history of Taiwanese immigrants.

DOI : 10.6191/jps.2013.4


回流 ; 澳洲 ; 遷移 ; 適應 ; 迴圈移民 ; return migration ; Australia ; migration ; adaptation ; circular migration
The purpose of this research is to explore the adaptation and movement of 1.5-generation Taiwanese immigrants between Australia and Taiwan under the concept of transnationalism.A variety of research methods are used in this study to explore the research questions. These are followed by a series of in-depth interviews of twenty-two young Taiwanese immigrants who have settled in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne to investigate in detail the factors of decision making in the process of ”return.” The relationship among the factors is analysed by cross matrix, and the relation tree is formed to conclude the scenario.This paper has explored the adaptation experience of the 1.5-generation Taiwanese migrants in Australia and Taiwan. These migrants mainly interworked by different scale factors of ”Social,” ”Family” and ”Individual” and constructed in the dynamic process of moving decision while engaging in transnationalism. They also need to construct the social network for the home and host countries. The dynamic strategies of the young migrants behind the transnational movement challenge the traditional notion of ”return migration.”


DOI : 10.6191/jps.2013.5


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1. Memories of a Future Home: Diasporic Citizenship of Chinese in Panama,
by Lok C. D. Siu, Stanford, Stanford University Press, 2005. ISBN 978-0804758468
- David Ip

2. Transmigration and the New Chinese: Theories and Practices from the New Zealand Experience,
by Manying Ip (ed.), Hong Kong, Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences (Incorporating the Centre of Asian Studies), The University of Hong Kong, 2011.
ISBN 978-9628269587
- Ho Hon Leung

3. Return Migration and Identity: A Global Phenomenon, A Hong Kong Case,
by Nan M. Sussman, Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press, 2011. ISBN 978-9888028849
- Menusha de Silva

4. Hong Kong Movers and Stayers: Narratives of Family Migration,
by Janet W. Salaff, Siu-lun Wong, and Arent Greve. Urbana and Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0252077043
- Lan-Hung Nora Chiang ; Ping Lin ; Rebecca A. Stephenson