第四十九期人口學刊2014.12 出刊





第三篇研究論文〈全球青年人才的移動:以在新加坡與香港的臺灣人為例〉(Young Global Talents on the Move: Taiwanese in Singapore and Hong Kong),作者為國立臺灣大學地理環境資源學系名譽教授姜蘭虹與英國倫敦大學學院地理系博士生黃佳媛。本篇論文以2011-2014年在新加坡、香港及臺灣針對40個移民新加坡與香港的臺灣年輕人所進行的深度訪談為基礎,探討:(1)遷移到新加坡或香港的原因、(2)移動類型與移動軌跡、(3)社會與文化適應、與(4)返回臺灣的意願。研究結果顯示,除了更高的薪資與福利之外,新加坡與香港提供給他們的是一個與全球接軌的國際化環境與個人發展的舞臺。然而,居住在新加坡與香港也有一些缺點,例如:語言、氣候、文化差異、生活成本高、生活品質等。這群臺灣年輕人的流動不僅對新加坡與香港所競逐的全球人才有所貢獻,海外的經驗也有助於他們發展適應不同社會文化環境的能力。

除上述三篇研究論文外,本期也同時刊登一篇演講紀要,由國立臺灣大學人口與性別研究中心的助理教授謝銘逢撰寫,記錄了該中心邀請的知名人口學家Gavin Jones博士以〈亞洲的結婚趨勢與生育問題〉為題之演講。Jones博士現為新加坡大學JY Pillay Comparative Asia Research Centre主任,專精於人口政策,以及與人口成長變遷相關之議題,如經濟發展、城鄉發展、婚姻、生育、教育及勞動等領域,對於東南亞及東亞國家的人口與婚姻問題有特別深入的了解與研究。本篇文章記錄了演講中所提,臺灣及日、韓等亞洲國家之低生育率、不婚及晚婚之人口問題,並進而探究臺灣少子女化及人口高齡化之嚴重程度,及其衍生對人口結構、家庭及社經發展之影響與應對之道。



DOI : 10.6191/JPS.2014.49.01


世代規模 ; 教育制度變革 ; 教育進階 ; 教育機會競爭激烈性 ; cohort size ; educational reform ; educational progression process ; the competition of educational opportunity
This paper explores the trend of educational opportunity competition at different educational levels over different birth cohorts, examines the effect of cohort size on the competition for educational opportunity at different educational level, and tests whether the effect of cohort size on competition for educational opportunity differs by educational reform stages. With data from Education Statistics of the Republic of China, 1958-2010, a multilevel growth curve analysis is employed to analyze the relationships between birth cohort size and competition for educational opportunity at different educational levels, and to assess whether its relationship changes across educational reform stages. The results reveal that birth cohort size has a negative effect on the competition for educational opportunity at the junior high school level, no significant effect at the senior high school level, and a positive effect at the college level when holding the effect of educational reform constant. Moreover, the effect of birth cohort size on the competition for educational opportunity differs by the stage for educational reform. In other words, educational reform does moderate the magnitude of the effect of cohort size on the competition for educational opportunity.

DOI : 10.6191/JPS.2014.49.02


人口推估 ; 隨機推估 ; 專家意見 ; 德菲法 ; 電腦模擬 ; population projection ; stochastic projection ; expert opinion ; Delphi method ; simulation
人口推估通常使用人口變動要素合成法,通常根據現有人口總數及結構,加上對未來生育、死亡、遷移三要素的預期(或情境),推估未來的人口數及其結構;三要素中的生育和遷移變動趨勢較大,較不容易以歷史資料找出趨勢,大多倚賴專家訂定情境假設。但專家意見也有蒐集上的疑慮,例如意見沒有固定的形成格式,推估結果也難以機率角度詮釋發生可能性。為了彌補專家意見的不足,近年不少國家的人口推估使用隨機方法(stochastic methods),這些方法大多與專家意見組合使用,使得推估結果可兼具兩種方法的特色。
Population projections are important in estimating the population for future dates used by the government for policy planning. The cohort component method is the most popular population projection method, and requires information on future fertility, mortality, and migration. These three factors are usually decided by expert opinions as well as historical data. However, there are concerns in using expert opinions. For example, it is not easy to quantify the expert opinions, the expert opinions do not have the meaning in probability, and the projection results based on expert opinion usually have small variance. In recent years, stochastic methods combined with expert opinions have been widely applied in order to improve the quality of population projections. The data format of quantification also plays a crucial role in quantifying the expert opinion, and in this study we explore the estimation methods for various data formats. We first review some popular methods for quantifying expert opinions, including the focused group interview and Delphi method. Then, we use computer simulation to evaluate the influence of data format on the analysis methods. It seems that, if the expert opinion is quantified in the form of payment card or binary data, the results are not very reliable. Therefore, we propose a sequential design to collect expert opinion and the simulation study shows promising results.

DOI : 10.6191/JPS.2014.49.03


全球青年人才 ; 年輕移民 ; 再遷移 ; 新加坡 ; 香港 ; young global talent ; youth migration ; re-migrant ; Singapore ; Hong Kong
This paper studies young Taiwanese who migrated to Singapore and Hong Kong for work, study or family reasons. It is based mainly on 40 in-depth interviews conducted in Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan in 2011-2014, thus obtaining narratives that contain detailed information to render nuanced understanding of the interviewees and the environment. The paper begins with a review of pertinent literature that includes youth migration and global talent, and the 1.5 generation migrants from Taiwan. It is followed by an analysis of major types of young Taiwanese in Singapore and Hong Kong with regard to: (1) their reasons for moving to Singapore or Hong Kong, (2) the types and trajectories of movement, (3) their social and cultural adaptation, and (4) prospects of returning to Taiwan. Apart from the higher pay and fringe benefits, both Singapore and Hong Kong provide them with a cosmopolitan environment for global pursuits to which their education applies. However, there are disadvantages of living in Singapore and Hong Kong, such as climate, social and cultural differences, high cost of living, and quality of life. Being highly educated, they have contributed to the pool of global talents that both states compete for, while gaining overseas experiences in enhancing their skills and exposure to new social and cultural environments. At this juncture, Taiwan's policy to recruit young global talents remains at stake, and the urgent need is to prevent its well educated professionals from leaving, as well as to attract them back with more vigorous and effective polices. Due to the impermanent nature of young Taiwanese on the move, Taiwan may want to tap this human resource as a strategy to compete for global talents, as a critical aspect of population policy and social transformation.


No abstract available.