第十九期人口學刊1998.10 出刊



奉養方式 ; 奉養態度 ; 同住模式 ; 經濟奉養 ; Elderly parental support ; Attitudes of parental support ; Co-residence patterns ; Economic support
本文就1995年「經濟發展與婦女家庭地位:臺灣的家庭結構、婦女就業型態、與家庭權力結構之關聯」(國科會研究計畫 NSC 83-0301-H-001-064;NSC 84-2411- H-001-018)之全省性面訪調查資料和焦點團體訪談紀錄,深入檢視目前臺灣社會實際的老年奉養方式,以及一般人基於不同立場的考量所表達的對於老年奉養方式的態度與偏好。研究結果顯示,父母和已婚子女同住仍然占最多數,由子女提供生活費來源也是較普及的經濟奉養方式。至於由不同立場表達對老年奉養態度方面,若由子女立場考慮時,合乎傳統孝道規範之方式最為人所偏好;而由父母的角度出發時,則展現較高的非傳統態度;但是就自己的未來規劃而言,獨居與經濟獨立則是較多數人的理想方式。在未來老年奉養態度之多變項分析中,我們發現個人之人力資本(教育)、都市化居住經驗、子女數較少者,較傾向不與已婚子女同住和經濟自立之奉養態度。而目前之家庭結構和父母經濟奉養模式,的確會影響個人未來之奉養態度--亦即核心家庭成員和父母目前經濟自立者較偏好未來採取相同的奉養方式。進一步的分析顯示,都會區居民未來的奉養態度似乎較受目前家庭結構的影響,而鄉村居民則較受目前父母經濟奉養方式的影響。換言之,實際的家庭奉養經驗對個人未來奉養態度的偏好上,有重要的關聯。
This paper examines the relationship between the practice and the attitude toward elderly parents` support. Present living arrangements as well as types of economic support are used to indicate the actual experience of family support. Three various perspectives-namely, from parents, from children, from own future preference-regarding attitudes toward parental support are compared in order to delineate possible differences between general versus personal attitudes. Data are taken from "The Economic Development and Female`s Family Status" (NSC 83-0301-H-001-064; NSC84-2411-H-001-018). Stratified random sample of 500 Taiwanese married couples and 500 married females constitute our sample.
The result shows that co-residence between elderly parents and married children (63.5%), children`s support as major economic source for the elderly (60.5%) remain as the dominant forms of parental support in Taiwan. Attitudes toward parental support reveal interesting differences. Specifically, from parents` viewpoints, higher separate living arrangement and stronger desire of financial independence are observed in contrast with the children`s perspective. However, the most important difference is found from personal future attitudes toward the elderly support. 44% prefers separate living arrangement and economic independence when getting old. This proportion exceeds the conventional response of depending on the children for the elderly support. Therefore, the multivariate analysis which aims st exploring the association between behavior (actual experience) and attitudes of parental support adopts personal future attitudes as the dependent variable.
The findings support our hypothesis that current family structure and economic support patterns have significant effects on personal future attitudes toward the elderly support. Members from the nuclear family as well as those parents who have independent economy are more likely to favor similar support patterns in the future. Further analyses indicate that present living arrangement is more important for urban residents while present economic support pattern is more significant for rural residents in their future attitudes toward parental support. Hence, actual family support experience does have important association with personal future attitudes toward the parental support.


遷移 ; 人口 ; 戶籍 ; 政策 ; 城市化 ; 經濟成長 ; 農業 ; 貧困 ; Migration ; Population ; Household registration ; Policy ; Urbanization ; Economic development ; Agriculture ; Poverty
Based on information drawn from many large migration surveys carried out in mainland China, this paper analyses the impacts of recent migration, especially those in the category of "floating population" and related policy issues. It is argued that the plentiful supply of cheap migrant labor is crucial to China`s recent economic growth in the coastal region. While these influxes have burdened urban infrastructure and contributed to rising crime rates, there is significant scapegoating in the media and discrimination against peasant migrants in urban areas. Increasing marginalization of non-hukou migrant workers in Chinese cities also poses serious concern to urban social stability. Rural outflows have lessened population pressure and generally have limited negative impacts on agriculture at this stage. China needs to reverse its urban-biased policy, reform its household registration system and articulate a more coordinated policy on migration, integrating it into the national development strategy. Migration can be actively used as a tool to promote regional economic development and alleviate poverty.


Urbanization ; Asian immigration ; Immigration in Australia ; Cosmopolitanism ; 都市化 ; 亞洲移民 ; 澳洲移民 ; 移民影響
In the past, immigrant impacts on Australia`s urban development was merely manifested in and restricted to inner-city enclaves. Recent changes in immigration however have seen some important distinctive impacts on urban development outside of inner-city. This paper argues that the settlement of affluent immigrants from Asia, especially those from the northeast region including Hong Kong and Taiwan, into traditionally high socio-economic, Anglo-dominated and culturally homogeneous dormitory suburbia, has brought many dramatic changes. Particularly apparent is the case of Sunnybank in Australia`s third largest city-Brisbane-where it was infused with consumber cosmopolitanism, accompanied by an increase in the intensity of commercial and recreational activities, and ultimately followed by a total transformation of the built environment.


國際移民 ; 香港 ; 澳門 ; 中國大陸 ; 臺灣 ; International migration ; Macau ; Hong Kong ; Chinese Mainland ; Taiwan
This study attempts to present demographic characteristics and to analyze factors, problems and policy implications of Chinese migration from Macau, Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland to Taiwan in the last decade. Important demographic characteristics of migration covering the number, age, sex, educational and occupational composition are presented. Factors of migration include political, social, economic and policy aspects in Taiwan, Macau, Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland.
Available data are mainly collected from official statistics in Taiwan, and related publications and documents. Result of this study can be used as the reference for related governments to introduced better migration policies and to enable people to make better decisions on migration.


Urbanization ; Human ecology ; Political economy ; Demographic transition ; Restructuration ; 都市化 ; 人文區位 ; 政治經濟 ; 人口轉型 ; 再結構化
The aim of this paper is to analyze the patterns of demographic and economic transition by types of settlement and region between the period of 1980-1989 and that of 1989-1992. After the unification of Germany in 1989, the demographic transition shows a dramatic trend. The fertility in East Germany dropped rapidly and a great number of people moved to West Germany. After 1992; the net migration rate declined and decentralization was even stronger; the population of central cities in agglomeration areas still lost population through migration. Types of settlement, region, and employment growth rate can significantly explain the variation of net migration rate between 1980-1992. There exist critical social mechanisms of regional and urban policies to react toward problems of demographic and economic transition. In these social mechanism, public and nonprofit sectors play the major roles in these social mechanisms. In public sector, the strategies to react toward demographic and economic transition are the restructuration of the relationship between central and local governments, constructing metropolitan regional governments, and use public-private partnership in infrastructure. The nonprofit organizations which shape regional and urban policies are interlocked with public sectors; different nonprofit organizations are also interdependent on one another. These social mechanisms of urban development indicate the characteristics of corporatist structure in Germany. In the future, these mechanisms will deal with two major issues of urban development: development or redistribution, racial integration or racial segmentation.


Labor force participation ; Marital dissolution ; Probability of divorce ; 勞動參與率 ; 婚姻解組 ; 離姻機率
The labor market participation of divorced women in Taiwan, though not impressive, has been increasing since 1980. Despite the many similarities that divorced women in Taiwan share with the advance industrialized countries, no attempt has been made to apply the available labor supply models to study the labor market behavior of divorced women. The purpose of this paper is to fill this gap by investigating divorced women`s labor supply and the determinants of marital dissolution in Taiwan. Using the recent developments in economietric techniques and constructed data sets from DGBAS, labor force participation and hours of work are estimated under alternative specifications. The empirical results support the hypothesis that a wife has hedged the high probability of marital dissolution by increasing hours of work in the labor market to accumulate job experience. Therefore, we conclude that a 500- to 600- hour increase in the female annual hours of work can be attributed to 1% rising divorce risk. This research provides a new aspect in explaining the rise in females` hours of work shedding light on existing researches on female labor supply in Taiwan.
自1980年起,臺灣離婚女性的勞動參與率逐年快速上升。臺灣離婚女性與先進開發工業國家的離婚婦女存有許多相似的特性,在過去有不少對歐美各國離婚婦女勞動力所做之研究文獻,然迄今尚未有以現存之勞動供給模型來研究臺灣離婚婦女的勞動市場行為。本研究之目的,即是以調查分析臺灣離婚婦女的勞動供給及婚姻解組之決定因素,以彌補此研究上的缺憾。本研究運用Heckamn`s二階段分析法及Tobit模型來估計離婚婦女的勞動參與率與工時函數。資料採用1993「人力源資調查」資料及其附帶調查之「婦女婚育調查」資料。實證結果支持「婦女會增加工作時數,累積在勞動市場中的工作經驗,以預防規避離婚風險的上升」之論證。並且因此歸結,相對應於離婚風險上升1% 時,婦女年工時會因而增加500至600小時。此外,本研究資料亦佐證了妻子之經濟獨立對於婚姻解組具有顯著影響之假說。同時,我們亦發現在臺灣的家庭中「偏好兒子」之傳統觀念對於婚姻解組亦扮演著舉足輕重的角色,而婚姻解組之風險會經由妻子將其時間多分配於家中小孩與老人的看護,以及對家事的頁獻而大大地降低。此一研究與結果提供了研究臺灣婦女勞動供給之現存文獻另一新的探索角度與方向,並且解釋了部分婦女工時上升之因素。


兒童福利 ; 兒童保護 ; 兒童人權 ; 棄兒保護 ; Child welfare ; Child protection services ; Children's right ; Protection of abandoned children
自從民國八十二年兒童福利法修訂通過後,臺灣地區兒童保護工作便因「依法有據」,而在實務推動方面有長足的進步。然而,在對這一群生存權最受威脅的人口-棄嬰及棄兒的保護方面,卻並未有任何特別的努力,甚至連完整的統計資料都付之闕如。本文即從兒童人權,尤其是基本生存權保障的觀點出發,探討兒童人權的內容和特質,臺灣兒童人權的現況,並就棄兒 (嬰) 發生的原因,各國的保護工作模式,我國各地棄兒 (嬰) 的實際情形作一整理,並從法規、執行與資源三方面來檢視我國保護工作的不足與缺失。最後提出「預防遺棄的發生,是最佳的保護策略」的主張,並對如何預防棄兒 (嬰),如何修訂法制,並在保護工作實務中落實保障兒童人權及其最佳利益,提供具體的建議。
The protective services of the abused and neglected children have been improved a great deal in Taiwan ever since the amendment of the Child Welfare Act in 1993. Though, protection of the abandoned children is still an untouched area. This article intends to advocate the needs of improving the protection services of the abandoned children from the children`s right perspective. In the paper, it examines the children`s rights situation, and the status quo of the abandoned children problems. The paper concludes by claiming that "prevention is the best protection of abandoned children." Waysj of preventing child abandonment, modifying the relevant regulations and policies, and improving practice are suggested in the end.