第五十二期人口學刊2016.06 出刊


本期共刊登四篇文章,其中兩篇為研究論文,一篇為研究紀要,一篇為學術活動紀實。第一篇研究論文〈高齡死亡率模型的探討〉,作者為真理大學財務與精算系助理教授王信忠、國立政治大學統計學系教授余清祥,以及國立政治大學風險管理與保險學系碩士陳怡萱。本論文作者探討了兩種高齡死亡模型:關係模型、隨機模型,希望透過可靠的死亡率預測與長壽風險估計,做為國家退休保險及長照政策制度的重要基礎,在目前臺灣急速邁向高齡化社會,是一篇相當具有時代意義的論文。在文章中,作者分別考察了關係模型中的Gompertz et al.(1990)模型、王信忠、余清祥(2011)提出的折扣數列模型(DS)、結合工程上可靠度函數Weibull分布的折扣數列比值韋伯模型(DSW),以及隨機模型中的Lee and Carter(1992)模型、 Renshaw and Haberman(2006)模型、Cairns et al.(2006a)模型。藉由臺灣、日本、美國共三國五齡組與單齡組死亡率實證資料的分析和交叉驗證,作者發現,關係模型中的DSW模型與DS模型在配適與預測上也能如同隨機模型般得到精確的預測結果。


本期的研究紀要〈「雙重劣勢」的疾病模式:糖尿病病人生活品質相關因子探討〉,作者為國立臺灣大學健康行為與社區科學研究所教授陳端容,以及國立臺灣大學健康政策與管理研究所研究助理陳佳宜。作者使用2005年國民健康訪問調查資料串連全民健康保險資料庫,觀察臺灣20-65歲確診糖尿病患者的健康相關生活品質,以及影響生活品質的個人和地區因素。該文指出糖尿病人的生理及心理健康相關生活品質皆較無糖尿病者來得低,同時,利用地區所得極端分布指標(Index of Concentration at the Extremes, ICE)進行分析,發現糖尿病人本身的低社經地位,若加以其居住在社經劣勢或所得分布呈現極端貧窮,可能產生「破窗」效應,使其承受隨疾病而來的生活負擔更大。相反地,糖尿病人居住在所得分布較均衡的縣市,心理健康生活品質較佳,某種程度上顯示降低社會不平等可能會減少相對剝奪感,進而增加心理健康的生活品質。

除了上述研究論文和研究紀要,本期也刊載一篇〈「人口與公共政策學術研討會」學術活動紀實〉。此篇學術活動紀實由國立臺灣大學人口與性別研究中心幹事余玥貞,以及國立成功大學老年學研究所碩士生朱耶綾、何子欣、王友惠撰寫。鑑於我國人口議題與相關政策的急迫性與重要性,本次年會與研討會特別以「人口與公共政策」為主題,並邀請了日本大學經濟學部助理教授松倉力也(Rikiya Matsukura)、香港科技大學社會科學部退休教授涂肇慶、臺灣長庚大學醫務管理系教授陳寬政發表專題演講。會中也安排兩場中央研究院社會學研究所專任研究助理劉家樺、中央研究院經濟研究所博士後研究陳雅琪兩位學界新人報告,以及包含「臺灣衛生開放政府資料之加值分析與應用」、「人口轉型與永續發展」、「健保資料庫分析」、「活躍老化的在地與全球視野」、「安樂死與安寧照護」等主題,共14場、55篇論文的專題討論。因250位來自不同學術領域與國家之產官學者的熱情參與,本次研討會無論在人口老化、性別工作、生育率、勞動參與率、安寧療護等議題,都有相當熱烈且深刻的激盪。



DOI : 10.6191/JPS.2016.52.01


長壽風險 ; 高齡死亡模型 ; 交叉驗證 ; Lee-Carter模型 ; 折扣數列 ; longevity risk ; elderly mortality models ; cross-validation ; Lee- Carter model ; discount sequence
隨著醫藥科技等因素的發展,我國國民平均壽命逐年上升,高齡人口的死亡率下降尤為明顯,人口老化速度愈發明顯,國人對於退休生活、醫療需求更形殷切。為了因應老化及長壽的需求,近年政府提出不少政策都和老年人有關,包括全民健保、勞退新制、長期照護等,這些社會保險制度需要對未來人口及其結構,包括高齡人口的死亡率及其平均餘命等數值的推估,這些需求使得高齡死亡模型受到國內外各界的重視。本文探討高齡死亡模型,主要分為兩類:關係模型、隨機模型,比較哪些模型適合用於因應長壽風險,考慮的模型包括Gompertz(1825)、Coale and Kisker(1990)、Lee and Carter(1992)、Renshaw and Haberman(2006)、Cairns et al.(2006a)以及王信忠、余清祥(2011)提出的折扣數列模型(discount sequence, DS),其中後者結合工程上可靠度函數Weibull分布,另外提出折扣數列比值韋伯模型(DSW)。本文以實證資料評估兩類模型的優劣,使用臺灣、日本、美國三國五齡組及單齡組死亡率資料,除了估計效果的比較,也以交叉驗證檢驗預測結果,分析發現DSW與DS關係模型分別在配適與預測上,也能如同隨機模型一樣得到高精確的預測結果。
A decrease in mortality among the elderly is particularly evident since the end of the 20th century. As a result, the living arrangements after retirement, including as financial planning and health needs, become more important. In recent years, Taiwan’s government has issued varies social policies and a social insurance system to face the rapid population ageing. The National Health Insurance and National Pension Insurance systems are two famous examples. However, the financial solvency of these social insurance systems depends on reliable planning and prediction of future mortality rates, in particular, those of the elderly. Hence, many studies focus on building mortality models for the elderly. The goal of this study is to evaluate popular mortality models for the elderly via empirical data. There are two types of mortality models: relational and stochastic. The former includes the Gompertz, Coale-Kisker, and Discount Sequence models (Wang and Yue 2015), and the latter includes the Lee-Carter (1992), Renshaw and Haberman (2006), and CBD models (2006). For this empirical study, we consider short-term and longterm forecasts, and the evaluation is via cross validation for 5 age groups and single age data from the Human Mortality Database. We found that the Discount Sequence model has about the same prediction accuracy as stochastic models.

DOI : 10.6191/JPS.2016.52.02


生育意願 ; 生育政策 ; 生育津貼 ; 差異中差異法 ; 廣義估計方程式 ; fertility intentions ; pro-natalist policy ; baby bonus ; differencein- differences ; generalized estimation equation
Fertility rates have declined in most countries during these years, and Taiwan has confronted a crisis of lowest-low fertility. As a result, government authorities have proposed some policies to respond to the trend, such as maternity payment, child-care subsidy and social-insurance maternity benefit. Some counties and cities have implemented a cash payment for newborn babies (baby bonus) to encourage fertility intentions based on their financial situation and policy agenda, with implementing time and payment varying between counties. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to assess whether the implementation of baby bonus payments in counties and cities can effectively improve couples' fertility intentions. The study applied data from the Panel Study of Family Dynamics (PSFD) in 2005- 2011, using a quasi-experimental, pre-post with non-randomized control design, and the household as the unit of analysis. We excluded singles and persons aged 43 or older. The intervention plan is the baby bonus policies implemented by counties and cities during 2006-2010. The difference-indifferences (DID) method was used to compare the differences in fertility intentions between counties implementing the baby bonus or not. The Generalized Estimation Equation (GEE) model was used to control for autocorrelation among repeated measures as well as other covariates. The results indicated that after controlling for wife's age, household income, parity, husband's age, husband's education, wife's education, wife's employment status, fertility pressure and degree of urban development, the baby bonus policies had no statistically significant effects on fertility intentions. The cash benefits may not change the fertility intentions. Therefore, it is suggested that the local government should consider whether the policy is suitable or not due to the high costs of these policies.


DOI : 10.6191/JPS.2016.52.03


個人社會經濟地位 ; 地區效應 ; 糖尿病患者 ; 多層次分析 ; individual socioeconomic status ; contextual effect ; SF-36 ; diabetes patients ; multilevel analysis ; SF-36
本研究旨在瞭解臺灣地區糖尿病成人患者(20-65歲)的健康相關生活品質(SF-36),及影響生活品質的個人及地區因素。使用2005年國民健康訪問調查資料串連全民健康保險資料庫,以確診糖尿病患者。個人變項有性別、年齡、婚姻狀況、健康行為(有無吸菸、飲酒、運動和肥胖),及社經地位(工作狀況、教育程度、家戶月收入)。健康相關生活品質分為生理層面(PCS)及心理層面(MCS)。地區變項有兩個,一、縣市層次的地區社經劣勢指標,由2004-2005年縣市的(一)失業率、(二)15歲以上未受過大學以上高等教育人口比率、(三)低收入戶比率三個指標形成的因素分數;二、縣市層次的所得極端值差距指標(index of concentration at theextremes of income, ICE)。以多階層線性模式進行分析。研究結果指出,在控制個人及地區社經變項後,糖尿病人的生理及心理健康相關生活品質,皆較沒有糖尿病的人要來得差。同時,相較於沒有糖尿病人,糖尿病人若居住在社經劣勢的縣市,或是低所得人口居多(ICE為負值)的縣市,其生理健康生活品質會更差,反映出糖尿病人雙重劣勢的疾病模式。此結果顯示出社經劣勢區域可能產生的「破窗」效應,使得居住在社經劣勢地區的糖尿病人承受更多因疾病帶來的生活負擔。相反地,居住在所得分布較為均衡的縣市(ICE接近0),不管是否有糖尿病,心理健康的生活品質會較好,而糖尿病人的心理健康生活品質則會改善更多,顯示降低社會不平等可能減少相對剝奪感,從而增加心理健康的生活品質。有別於傳統所使用的地區社經劣勢指標,所得極端值差距指標亦可做為測量社會不平等的程度,對心理生理及健康生活品質有預測
The purpose of this study is to assess the effects of individual socioeconomic status and county-level variables in a sample of diabetes patients aged 20-64 in Taiwan. Methods: Data on individual-level characteristics, health behavior variables, socioeconomic status and health related quality of life (SF- 36) were obtained from National Health Interview Survey in 2005 (2005 NHIS). The health data was confirmed by National Health Insurance Research Databases. Sex, age, and marital status; health behavior variables including smoking, drinking, betel nut, sports and obesity; and individual socioeconomic status measured by employment, education attainment, and household income per month were included. Health related quality of life was calculated Physical Component Summary (PCS, SF-36) and Mental Component Summary (MCS, SF-36). Two county-level variables were used: (1) area disadvantage index; (2) index of concentration at the extremes (ICE) of income. We excluded missing data on individual information and the remaining study sample included 756 DM patients and 14,360 non- DM patients nested within 23 counties. Individual socioeconomic status such as unemployment and low household income were related to PCS and MCS. County-level variables including area disadvantages and ICE were negatively associated with PCS but not with MCS. However, near-zero ICE is positively associated with better MCS. Disadvantaged diabetes patients lived in area of concentrated disadvantages had worse health-related quality of life. The link between area-based disadvantages and individual-level poverty had created a double jeopardy effect in diabetes patients.


DOI : 10.6191/JPS.2016.52.04

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